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The social responsibility

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  Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the enterprise in creating profits, to shareholders bear legal responsibility at the same time, also want to consider the effects on the various stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility is the important path to the sustainable development of enterprises, it conforms to the society as a whole on the reasonable expectations of the enterprise, not only won't diversify our energy, it can improve the competitiveness of the enterprise and reputation. International corporate social responsibility standard SA8000, the global compact and the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises, etc.
  The concept of corporate social responsibility is based on business operation must comply with the idea of sustainable development, enterprise in addition to consider their own financial and operating conditions, also want to join its effect on the social and natural environment.
  Stakeholders refers to all can affect, or will be affected by corporate decisions and actions of the individual or group, including but not limited to: employees, customers, suppliers, community groups, parent or subsidiary companies, partners, investors and shareholders. In this case enterprise, when in contact with stakeholders trying to integrate social and environmental considerations.
  Corporate social responsibility is the important path to sustainable development of the enterprise, it conforms to the society as a whole on the reasonable expectations of the enterprise, not only won't diversify our energy, it can improve the competitiveness of the enterprise and reputation.

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